When Zebras Discover Motorbikes
Life in the Serengeti changes radically for the lions when zebras discover motorbikes. Read about the 4 responses to this change and see the parallels in your working world.
This amusing story has very powerful and profound learning points. Most people and organisations face continuous change and you need to go beyond ‘coping’ with it. The 4 reactions to change and the 5 stages of change that you can manage will help you to influence people, situations and results.
Meetings That Make A Difference
You will either spend many hours in meetings or invest many hours in meetings. You are already making that choice. Are you choosing wisely?
This expanded and updated edition contains over 200 tips, hints and techniques that you can apply immediately.
Discover more about the role of the facilitator, engage in the 12 key activities that good facilitators engage in and apply the 8 key meeting tactics that deliver success.
A Sales Mindset
Discovering and developing a mindset that will make you more influential.
As a part of your working world you need to sell ideas, concepts, products and opportunities.
Success is seldom accidental – your approach and minset is either helping or hindering your success.